Exhibition of my new project Unseen.
August 20, 2019I’m really happy to announce details of the first exhibition of my new project Unseen! We’ll be celebrating the opening of the show at Penarth Pier Pavilion gallery on Friday 6th September from 7-10pm. Everyone is welcome! I’ll be doing a talk and Q&A about my new project at 8pm with a BSL interpreter. We’re inviting everyone to offer feedback on the work so far. We’ll have an ipad at the show with a short questionnaire to fill out. For those of you that can’t make it down to Penarth Pier Pavilion I’ll be posting all the final images of the work on the Unseen Project page here on my website. We’ll add the questionnaire to this page so you can give feedback online too! I’d really love to know what you think.
Feel free to share the details of the show and opening night. I look forward to seeing you there!